A. Trevor Sutton's Why Should I Trust the Bible? tackles many accusations from those who would discredit Christianity or those who have tough questions about the Bible. Examining historical evidence, witness accounts, and translation concerns and applying the same rigorous standards that have deemed other writings as credible over the Bible, such as the Book of Mormon, encyclopedias, and even Shakespeare's works, Pastor Sutton offers readers a pastoral and persuasive witness to the complete reliability of the Bible as the very Word of God. In a relativistic culture in which truth assertions of the Bible seem groundless, Why Should I Trust the Bible? provides a thoughtful and cogent response to the questions about the Holy Scripture raised by deniers, doubters, and detractors. By the end, you'll be able to better defend your faith when its very foundation is attacked. Sutton provides answers for the many tough questions you may ask, while also demonstrating that when all others texts fall, the Bible still stands—as completely, undeniably trustworthy. Study questions and answers will bless individual readers and small groups alike.